[ETR #13] A 3-Step Python Script To Write Less Cover Letters

Extract. Transform. Read.

A newsletter from Pipeline: Your Data Engineering Resource

Hi past, present or future data professional!

Somewhere along your professional development journey someone lied to you. They told you to crank out resumes because no one reads cover letters.

This couldn’t be further from the truth as 87% of hiring managers read cover letters. Such a high read rate represents a compelling opportunity to sell your data skills and showcase a bit of personality.

The problem?

Those pesky 3 paragraphs take way too long to write—as long as 30 minutes per job. Assuming you’re applying to 3-5 jobs per day, you’re looking at 2.5 hours of cover writing time.

Earlier this year, while helping a friend apply for data science positions, I created a simple Python script to auto-generate cover letters based on input. In addition to generating a cover letter based on my more than 500 hours as a career advisor, it will convert your output to a PDF, the preferred format for cover letters and resumes.

Even if this helps you generate cover letters faster, you might want to think twice about “spamming” your resume/cover letter. Only use a bulk application method if:

  • You’re beginning a job search 100% from scratch
  • You’re applying to several roles through a referral
  • You consider your target organization/role a “reach”
  • You truly subscribe to the idea that finding a job is a volume game

Since I’m not trying to ask you to spend 30 minutes on this email, here are this week’s links:

Finally, this week is significant to me because 9/13 marks 3 years in data engineering. Read my story and advice for following a similar path.

Why I Nearly Turned Down A 30k Raise And A Data Engineering Job

Questions? You know where to find me: zach@pipelinetode.com.

Until next time - thanks for ingesting,

-Zach Quinn

Pipeline To DE

Top data engineering writer on Medium & Senior Data Engineer in media; I use my skills as a former journalist to demystify data science/programming concepts so beginners to professionals can target, land and excel in data-driven roles.

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